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Up to date legal information pertaining to Thai, American, & International Law.
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Buying a Condo in Thailand: Issues to Consider
Information about buying a condominium in Thailand.
Thailand Condominium Act: What Is a Condominium?
Information about the legal definition of a "condominium" in Thailand.
What Is A Condominium Juristic Person in Thailand?
Information about the legal infrastructure of condos in Thailand.
American Citizens Services Appointments: Residence Affidavits in Thailand
ACS (American Citizen Services) at the US Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand can provide an affidavit of residence under specific circumstances.
Buying a Thai Condo in the Aftermath of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
In the aftermath of COVID19 it seems logical to assume that here will be bargains in the condominium market of Thailand.
Selling a Condominium in Thailand
Information on perfecting the sale of a condo in Thailand.
Could Thai Property Owners be Slated for Issuance of Visas to Thailand?
Information on the relationship between property ownership, including freehold condos, and Thai immigration.
Do Yellow House Books Confer Property Rights in Thailand?
An explanation on Yellow House Books (Tabien Baan) in Thailand
How a Thai Condo Could Get You a Work Permit in Thailand
Information on the idea that owning a Condo in Thailand may be a way to get a Work Permit
Five Year Visas for Thai Condo Buyers?
A discussion on whether it is realistic or not to expect that one can obtain Permanent Residence upon purchase of a Bt10,000,000 or more condo in Thailand