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Specific Offences Title II Offence Relating to Public Administration Chapter 2 Malfeasance in Office
Page: 30
Section: 143 - 149
Section 143.- Whoever, demanding, accepting or agreeing to accept a property or any other benefit for himself or the other person as a return for inducting or having induced, by dishonest or unlawful means, or by using his influence, any official, member of the State Legislative Assembly, member of the Provincial Assembly or member of the Municipal Assembly to exercise or not to exercise any of his functions, which is advantageous or disadvantageous to any person, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding five years or fine not exceeding ten thousand Baht, or both.
Section 144.- Whoever, giving, offering or agreeing to give the property or any other benefit to the official, member of State Legislative Assembly, member of Provincial Assembly or member of Municipal Assembly so as to induce such person to do or not to do any act, or to delay the doing of any act contrary to one's own duty, shall be imprisoned not out of five years or fined not out of ten thousand Baht, or both.
Section 145.- Whoever, professing himself to be an official and exercising the functions of an official without being an official having the power to do so, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one year or fine not exceeding two thousand Baht, or both.
Any official, who has been duly ordered to discontinue further exercise of his functions still continues to exercise such functions, shall be liable likewise to the punishment as provided in the first paragraph.
Section 146.- Whoever, not to have the right to wear the uniform or insignia of any of official, member of State Legislative Assembly, member of Provincial Assembly or member of Municipal Assembly, or not to have the right to use any of official title, rank, decoration or thing to symbolize the decoration, and to do so in order to be believed by other person that oneself has the right to wear those things, shall be imprisoned not out of one year or fined not out of two thousand Baht, or both.
Section 147.- Any official charged with purchasing, manufacturing, managing or keeping anything, dishonestly misappropriates the same for his own or the other person, or dishonestly allows the other person to misappropriate the same, shall be punished with imprisonment of five to twenty years or imprisonment for life, and fine of two thousand to forty thousand Baht.
Section 148.- Whoever, to be the official, by a wrongful exercise of one's functions, to coerce or to induce any person to deliver or to procure the property or any other benefit for oneself or other person, shall be imprisoned as from five years to twenty years or to life imprisonment, and fined as from two thousand Baht to forty thousand Baht, or both.
Section 149.- Whoever, being an official, member of the State legislative Assembly, member of the Provincial Assembly or member of the Municipal Assembly, wrongfully demands, accepts or agrees to accept for himself or the other person a property or any other benefit for exercising or not exercising any of his functions, whether such exercise or non-exercise of his functions is wrongful or not, shall be punished with imprisonment of five to twenty years or imprisonment for life, and fined of two thousand to forty thousand Baht, or death.