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General Provisions Title II Provisions Applicable to Petty Offences
Page: 23
Section: 99-106
Section 99.- If the seizure of property or paying the fine or confinement in lieu of fine has been made within five years as from the date of final judgment, neither seizure of property nor confinement shall be unable to make.
The provisions of the first paragraph shall not be enforced to the case of confinement in lieu of fine as made continuously with the infliction of imprisonment.
Section 100.- If any person relegated by the final judgment has not under-gone restriction, or has not completely undergone restriction on account of having made an escape, and the period of three years has expired reckoning from the day of passing the punishment by having undergone the punishment according to the judgment or by having the execution of punishment precluded by prescription, or from the day when such person made an escape during the time of restriction, the restriction shall be precluded, and such person shall not be relegated.
Section 101.- If the execution of the order of the Court according to Section 46, or the request to the Court to make an order for payment of money when the person executing the bond breaks the bond according to Section 47 is not made within two years reckoning from the day when the Court gave the order, or from the day when the person executing the bond broke the bond, the execution or request shall not be made.
Section 102.- The petty offence is the offence which shall be punished by imprisonment not out of one month or fine not out of one thousand Baht, or both imprisonment and fine as aforesaid together.
Section 103.- The provisions of Title I, excepting those provided in the three following Sections, shall apply to the case of petty offences also.
Section 104.- Petty offences under this Code are punishable offences, even though they are committed unintentionally, unless otherwise provided in such offences.
Section 105.- Whoever attempts to commit a petty offence, that person shall not be punished.
Section 106.- A supporter to commit a petty offence shall not be punished.