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General Provisions Title I Provisions Applicable to General Offences Chapter 2 Application of Criminal Laws 2
Page: 3
Section: 4 - 8
Section 4.- Whoever commits an offence within the Kingdom shall be punished according to law.
An offence committed on board a Thai vessel or Thai aircraft irrespectively of the place of the Thai vessel or aircraft shall be deemed as being committed within the Kingdom.
Section 5.- Whenever any offence is even partially committed within the Kingdom, or the consequence of the commission of which, as intended by the offender, occurs within the Kingdom, or by the nature of the commission, its result should occur inside the Kingdom or it could be conjectured that such result would occur within the Kingdom, it shall be deemed that such offence is committed within the Kingdom.
In case of preparation or attempt to commit any act provided by the law to be an offence, even though it is done outside the Kingdom, if the consequence of the doing of such act, when carried through to the stage of accomplishment of the offence, will occur within the Kingdom, it shall be deemed that the preparation or attempt to commit such offence is done within the Kingdom.
Section 6.- With respect to any offence that has been committed within the Kingdom, or has been deemed by this Code as been committed within the kingdom, even though the act of the principal, the supporter or an instigator in the offence has been committed outside the Kingdom, it shall be deemed that the principal, supporter or instigator has committed the offence within the Kingdom.
Section 7.- Whoever to commit the following offences outside the Kingdom shall be punished in the Kingdom, namely :
(1) Offences relating to the Security of the Kingdom as provided in Sections 107 to 129 ;
(1/1) The offence in respect of terrorization as prescribed by Section 135/1, Section 135/2, Section 135/3 and Section 135/4 ;
(2) Offences relating to Counterfeiting and Alteration as provided in Sections 240 to 249, Section 254, Section 256, Section 257 and Section 266 (3) and (4) ;
(2bis) Offences relating to Sexuality as provided in Section 282 and Section 283 ;
(3) Offences relating to Robbery as provided in Section 339, and Offence relating to Gang-Robbery as provided in Section 340, which is committed on the high seas.
Section 8.- Whoever commits an offence outside the Kingdom shall be punished in the Kingdomprovided that, and, provided further that the offence committed be any of the following, namely :
(a) The offender be a Thai person, and there be a request for punishment by the Government of the country where the offence has occurred or by the injured person ; or
(b) The offender be an alien, and the Thai Government or a Thai person be the injured person, and there be a request for punishment by the injured person ;
If such offence to be the offence specified as following shall be punished within the Kingdom namely :
(1) Offences relating to Cause Public Dangers as provided in Section 217, Section218, Section 221 to Section 223 excepting the case relating to the first paragraph of Section 220, and Section 224, Section 226, Section 228 to Section 232, Section 237, and Section 233 to Section 236 only when it is the case to be punished according to Section 238 ;
(2) Offences relating to Documents as provided in Section 264, Section 265, Section 266 (1) and (2), Section 268 excepting the case relating to Section 267 and Section 269 ;