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General Provisions Title I Provisions Applicable to General Offences Chapter 1 Definitions
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Section 1.- In this Code :
(1) “To commit an act dishonestly” means to do an act in order to procure, for himself or the other person, any advantage to which he is not entitled by law ;
(2) “Public way” means a land or waterway used by the public for traffic, and includes a railway or tramway used for public conveyance ;
(3) “Public place” means a place to which the public has a right of entry ;
(4) “Dwelling place” means a place used for dwelling, such as a house, shed, vessel, or floating house in which a human being dwells, it also includes the precinct of the place used for dwelling, whether it be enclosed or not ;
(5) ”Arm” includes anything which is not a weapon by nature, but which is used or intended to be used as a weapon for causing grievous bodily harm ;
(6) “To commit an act of violence” means to do an act of violence against the body or mind of a person, whether it be by physical force or by any other means, and includes any act causing any person to be in a state of being unable to resist, whether it be by using drug causing intoxication, by hypnotism or by any other similar means ;
(7) “Document” means any paper or other material for expressing the meaning by letters, figures, plan or an other design, whether it be by way of printing, photographing or any other means, which is evidence of such meaning ;
(8) “Official document” means a document drawn up or authenticated by an official in the course of his duty, and includes also a copy of such document authenticated by an official in the course of his duty ;
(9) “Document of right” means a document evidencing the creation, modification, transfer, reservation or extinction of a right ;
(10) “Signature” includes a finger-print and mark put to a document by a person in lieu of his signature ;
(11) “Night” means the interval between sunset and sunrise ;
(12) “Custody” means the restraint, keeping in custody, detention, confinement or imprisonment ;
(13) “Ransom” means a property or benefit demanded or given in exchange for the liberty of the person who is taken away, held or confined ;